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C U S T O M  F I N E  F U R N I T U R E

Custom work is our bread and butter.

And we really love bread and butter.

When we say custom, we mean C U S T O M. 

Tell us your idea, send us a picture, a magazine page, a blueprint, a napkin scribble. We will work with you in person, through email or over the phone to make your furniture come to life. 

Almost every part of your client's furniture is done to your specifications right here in historic Bucks County, PA.


Our frames are made by shops in upstate PA and across the river in NJ. We also source frames from Europe and other places overseas.


Height, depth, recline--all fit to you. Bring your client to our showroom, where we are happy to work with them on what style of seating best suits their needs. Polyblend fill? 100% down? Need it a little smaller? Higher? More relaxed? Metal legs? Wooden legs? No problem. This is not "off-the-rack".


This is couture home furnishings.


Send us your fabrics and we'll get right to work.

H O W  I T ' S  M A D E

© 2023 by Kline Design Inc. t/a Martin Industries.

 All rights reserved.

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